10 Small Business Ideas for Corporate Executives

Many executives find fulfillment in spending their careers within the corporate world. However, if you’ve always dreamt of running your own company, those years spent in a corner office might leave you feeling restless. Now that you have the skills and capital to make your dream a reality, it’s time to consider small business ideas.

You’ll want a business that leverages your professional skills and personal strengths. As a successful executive, that often means looking at small business ideas in the financial and business services sector.

Why Consider Small Business Ownership?

Before we dive into the specific ideas, let’s briefly discuss why small business ownership can be an attractive option for corporate executives:

Independence: Be your own boss and make decisions that align with your vision and values.

Income Potential: Unlimited earning potential compared to a capped corporate salary.

Work-Life Balance: Flexible schedules that allow for a better work-life balance.

Legacy Building: Create something that you can pass down to future generations.

Now, let’s explore ten compelling small business ideas tailored for corporate executives.

1. Business Brokerage Franchise

Why It’s a Great Fit

By partnering with a Business Brokerage franchise like Murphy Business, you can tap into a proven business model with comprehensive training and ongoing support. Your experience in management, finance, sales, and strategic thinking will be invaluable as you help business owners buy and sell their businesses.

Key Benefits

  • Unlimited Income Potential: Potential for high earnings and financial independence with a commission-based structure that allows for substantial financial rewards.
  • Impactful Work: Helping sellers recoup full value for their businesses and helping buyers achieve their dreams of small business ownership can be immensely rewarding and fulfilling.
  • Work-Life Balance: Enjoy the freedom of being your own boss, making decisions, and setting your own schedule without the constraints of a traditional employment structure. This flexibility allows you to work around personal commitments and achieve a harmonious balance between work and personal life.
  • Home-Based Operation: Run your business from home, minimizing expenses and allowing for a versatile work-life integration.
  • Scalability: Expand your business by adding more agents, increasing your market presence and revenue stream or remain a sole proprietor, you decide.
  • High Demand: Thrive in a profitable industry with a steady stream of potential clients.


2. Consulting Services

Why It’s a Great Fit

Your years of experience and industry-specific knowledge make you an ideal candidate for a consulting business. Many businesses seek experienced consultants to improve operations and strategy.

Key Benefits

  • High Demand for Expert Advice: Businesses are continuously looking to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive.
  • Set Your Rates and Choose Your Clients: Flexibility to set your own rates and choose projects that align with your interests.
  • Low Startup Costs and Overhead: Starting a consulting business typically requires minimal initial investment.


3. Management Coach

Why It’s a Great Fit

As a proven leader, your small business can specialize in coaching other professionals on how to effectively manage larger teams and projects.

Key Benefits

  • Develop Leaders: Empower individuals to become confident and competent leaders.
  • High Impact: Make a significant difference in organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Flexibility: Design your coaching schedule and methods to fit your lifestyle and meet client needs.


4. Executive Coaching

Why It’s a Great Fit

Having climbed the corporate ladder, you have a wealth of experience that can benefit others. Executive coaching involves mentoring corporate professionals, helping them develop leadership skills, and guiding them through career transitions.

Key Benefits

  • Mentorship: Guide others based on your extensive experience.
  • Career Transition Support: Help professionals navigate their career paths.
  • Personal Satisfaction: The fulfillment that comes from assisting others in achieving their goals.


5. Financial Planning and Advisory Services

Why It’s a Great Fit

Utilize your expertise in finance to offer financial planning and advisory services. This can include investment advice, retirement planning, and estate planning.

Key Benefits

  • High Demand: Increased need for financial literacy and planning services.
  • Recurring Revenue: Potential for ongoing client relationships and recurring revenue streams.
  • Impactful: Provide peace of mind and financial security to your clients.


6. Real Estate Investment and Management

Why It’s a Great Fit

Real estate offers a tangible investment opportunity and can be very lucrative. Your business acumen will help you make smart investment decisions and manage properties effectively.

Key Benefits

  • Passive Income: Generate passive income through property rentals.
  • Appreciation: Benefit from property value appreciation over time.
  • Diversification: Diversify your investment portfolio


7. Marketing Agency

Why It’s a Great Fit

Use your strategic and creative skills to start a marketing agency. Help businesses grow by developing effective marketing strategies, managing social media, and creating compelling content.

Key Benefits

  • Creative Freedom: Flexibility to explore various marketing strategies and creative solutions.
  • High Demand: Businesses constantly need strong marketing to stay competitive.
  • Scalability: Potential to expand your agency by hiring additional marketing experts.


8. E-commerce Store

Why It’s a Great Fit

Leverage your business skills to create an online store. Choose a niche that you are passionate about and offer unique products to a broad audience.

Key Benefits

  • Global Reach: Ability to reach customers worldwide.
  • Low Overhead: Reduced costs compared to a physical store.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your business by increasing product offerings and marketing efforts.


9. Corporate Trainer

Why It’s a Great Fit

Your knowledge of industry best practices and corporate operations can be used to develop training programs that enhance productivity and employee engagement.

Key Benefits

  • High Demand for Training Programs: Continuous need for employees to stay updated with new skills and knowledge.
  • Ability to Specialize in Various Areas: You can tailor your training programs to focus on specific domains such as leadership, technology, soft skills, or compliance allowing you to cater to a wide range of clients and their unique needs.
  • Opportunity to Make a Significant Impact: By improving employees’ skills and knowledge, you can directly contribute to a company’s success and growth.


10. Tech Startup

Why It’s a Great Fit

If you have a passion for technology and innovation, consider launching a tech startup. This could involve developing software, apps, or innovative tech solutions.

Key Benefits

  • Innovation: Opportunity to bring new and innovative products to market.
  • High Growth Potential: Potential for rapid growth and significant financial rewards.
  • Impact: Create technology solutions that can make a difference in people’s lives.


Starting your own small business can be a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Whether you choose to leverage your existing skills in a related field or explore a new industry, the opportunities are vast. Remember, the key to success lies in choosing a business idea that aligns with your passions and strengths.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Business Broker, give us a call to explore how our proven system, comprehensive training, and ongoing support can help you succeed in this rewarding field.

Let’s talk.